Retail Industry

Data Centers
Is the uptime of your server data center critical to the daily operations of your business? If so, you need the experienced and expert staff from TkFast to help manage and proactively support your systems. We perform routine audits to ensure that proper levels of computer infrastructure, power management systems, data redundancy solutions, and others are operating within a strict tolerance.

Audio Distribution
Office audio distribution systems can calm visitors in your lobby, keep employees in high motivation, and add privacy to office conversations. Systems can be designed to accompany office buildings, hospitality, and any special application. Control the volume, source, and room location from anywhere in the building using a web-interface, wireless remote, or wall panel.

Website Design
Does your company have a 24x7 sales force? If not, let TkFast design a professional Web 2.0 website that will help display your products and services around the clock. In today\'s economy having a website is almost a necessity in establishing creditability. Put your best foot forward in the digital world with the help from TkFast.

Voice over IP can add a new dimension to communication when compared to traditional telephony systems. TkFast only deploys VoIP enabled phone systems. Depending on the application(s), certain features are turned on to satisfy specific otherwise unsolved needs while keeping security in mind. Huge cost savings can be realized for companies with multiple business locations. Location to location calling is done via the internet, thus not accumulating any long distant charges while keeping their other lines open. Centralized phone line trunking also is an instant cost reduction.